

Friday, April 21, 2017

3 Ways to Increase your Harmony with Fellow Christians

How can two people live together in harmony? Everyone has opinions about matters that cannot be proven. What do we do with our disagreements? Our different habits and convictions? 

This is the difficulty of church life. Try gathering two hundred people in a room and asking them what they believe about God, salvation, morality, heaven and hell. More than a few people may come out with broken noses and bloody lips!

In regards to matters of opinions, we are called to overcome these differences and live in harmony with one another. Paul mentions those who are weak in faith and those who are strong in faith. The weak in faith are those who believe they should keep strict rules about not eating food and drinking drink sacrificed to idols. The strong in faith are those who are ok with eating or drinking such food and drink.

How can we live in harmony with people who do things so differently than us? Paul mentions a couple of points we should heed.

First, welcome each other, rather than despising and passing judgment on each other (Rom. 14:1-4).

Second, never put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother Rom. 14:13).

Thirdly, like Jesus Christ, live to please your neighbor rather than yourself (Rom. 15:1-2).

These principles seem simple enough, but living them out is one of the most difficult things a Christian will ever do. We hold our convictions passionately because truth matters and the things of God are vital to life. 

With this in mind my hope for us is unity around essentials and selflessness around opinions. May we love each other with such selfless devotion that those who don't know Jesus will turn to him and be embraced by the church!

Taken from reading Romans 13-16

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