

Monday, January 25, 2016

3 Foundations for your Strength in 2016: Part 2

Foundation #2: You have an enemy...

'Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, 'Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden?' - Genesis 3:1

Every direction we look we see someone trying to convince us of something. Internet advertisements, highway billboards, and Television commercials all want to convince you that if you just get what they offer you will have what you need to be happy and fulfilled in life. And if that is not enough to derail us from focusing on what is most important there is also an enemy bent on convincing us God is an oppressor we need to be liberated from.

Many of us buy-in to the seeds of doubt Satan throws our way.

'Did God really say you can't do this? Did God really say you can't do that? He must want to keep you experiencing life to the fullest.'

If we consistently listen to this twisting of God's word we will eventually view God's wisdom as chains to be freed from rather than what it truly is; a life free from the bondage of sin and destruction. 

The truth is that we will be free from something and we will serve something. We will either be free from God's ways and a slave to our own desires or we will be free from our own sinful desires to serve God as a beloved child. Thankfully, God assures us our greatest joy and freedom are found in knowing and following him: 

16 Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? 17 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, 18 and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness. - Romans 6:16-18

'For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.' - Galatians 5:1

The question we have to answer when we face the fork in the road is this: Do we know what is best or does God? Do we trust our life experiences and knowledge enough to make the best decisions for our eternal joy? Or do we believe God, the creator and sustainer of the universe, knows what dangers we should watch out for and what traps lie ahead?

I pray for us to see God for who he truly is, a loving father who understands life better than we do therefore is worthy of our trust. May we inspect our lives and turn away from any deceptions that have derailed us. And may we experience the truth freedom God has designed us to live.  

Monday, January 11, 2016

3 Foundations for your Strength in 2016: Part 1

Goodbye to the old...

If you are anything like me then you are happy 2015 is over and gone. It's not that last year was bad or that you are ungrateful for what God did, but you are ready for a fresh start in a new year. The last thing any of us wants is to carry old baggage into 2016. With this in mind, I bring you three foundations of the faith that will stabilize your confidence in Christ and prepare you to face upcoming struggles. This week, I share Foundation #1: God is in Charge.

Foundation #1: God is in charge.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...

While carrying the burden of life, family, job, and ministry it is easy to focus all of our efforts toward maximizing our schedules and squeezing every drop of value out of our time. We fight desperately to stay caught up and effective in the all areas of life. After a hectic Christmas and New Years many of us feel like we are recovering from a bad case of 'Holiday Hangover'. As we organize life for peak effectiveness following a draining season it is easy to start leaning on our own strength and holding on for dear life just to survive. Whether it lasts through mid February or only late January eventually our adrenaline tank runs out and we need rest.

Every time I start over in Genesis I am reminded of how little control I actually have in this life. I did not create the universe, the world, or myself. God did. I did not organize the weekly, monthly, or yearly calendars. God did. In fact, I find myself woven into the fabric of creation, limited by the constraints of 24 hour days and the strength of a temporary body. Time, events, business, and politics all function independent of my involvement. God alone upholds the universe and everything in it. 

Some find these facts disheartening and desire to take charge. Desperate to make big impact on the world with their greatness, they push and push until they can push no more. For them, life can be sadly disappointing. No matter how much worldly power, money, or fame one experiences history will remember them as a footnote at best. Others, myself included, see these truths as comforting and beautiful reminders of how powerful and awesome our God truly is. Our purpose in this world leads us to honor God and not ourselves. Additionally, we desire to reflect the greatness of God, rather than produce it ourselves. 

My heart's desire for all of us this year is to find rest and comfort in our great and powerful God. He holds the universe in the palm of his hand. No enemy can defeat Him. Because of his great love and mercy, we can experience his presence each day if we are willing to slow down and hear his voice in prayer. Cry out to Him. Thank Him. Love Him, Rest in Him.